Why me?


The picture was captured this morning at about 8.30am. Isn’t it a privilege to witness the subtle beauty of nature in a form such as the drama of lights and shades, as if you are witnessing a prodigy of the heavens that light as a symbol of good and pure shows the lost and deprived the way to success and victory?

Yes, it is!

But if it shows the path to your college and the daily routine of shoving your a** (yeah it is that word), you might not feel being privileged. Beneath the trees and the shimmering lights from heaven, the lane leads to my college and it is THE most used path since my stay at this place. So why get so attached to this picture all of a sudden?

Something not-usual happened today. Like the other days, students were flowing in and out through that lane. I noticed two kids of the age of 8 and 7 years, standing by the lane and watching the gate. Clearly, they were not students and that they were not awestruck by the divine prodigy, they stood so stiff and alert as if they were statued. But I didn’t give a second look cause I was getting late for my class. (You know the drill at such situations, right? )

By watching the picture, you can guess the position from where the picture is taken. Yes! I took my own path through the middle of the field (and from behind the kids standing by the main lane) to join the main lane under the trees, under the light of the gods. As I crossed the transfixed kids and about to board the main lane, they started following me. With their tiny steps, they tried hard to keep pace with me. The further I moved, the closer they got to me. I got alarmed and suspicious of the way they acted. I looked back at them, they were keeping their pace and still transfixed to something ahead, to the end of the lane, to the gates; closing some more inches towards me. And then the elder one held my right forearm and I felt a jolt; a stimulus that alarmed my nerves but did not retract my stature. I could see their eyes then, they were pale filled with fear and still transfixed. And finally, I cared to look towards the end of the lane where they gazed, and saw three wild street dogs, all of the height of the elder kid, roaming in front of the gate as if they were shooing away anyone who tried to enter their territory, growling and making a stern eye contact. Clearly, it was a frightening moment (read Code Alert) for the little kids. (Once I got terribly chased by a swan when I was a kid and got terror-stricken to confront swans for a long time afterwards.) As soon as I realised the situation, I grabbed them closer and helped them get past the dogs safe.

Soon after we departed, I felt really good and positive to have started my day by helping someone out. Also, I realised one thing. Undoubtedly I got alarmed by their alien behaviour for a few seconds and I was not in a mood to get involved in any trouble at the early hours of the day. (Having had the stereotype that a good start welcomes good events and bad welcomes bad events). maybe, I would have cursed myself saying ‘Why me!? (always getting involved in disturbing situations!!)’ But the real question should be ‘Why not others?’ (to know about the events howsoever not usual to others, I get involved in, please read this The Journey Begins )

Sometimes we blame the blues for the misfortune that dawn upon us; sometimes we hold the Almighty responsible for the misery we are in; sometimes we feel utterly depressed for being left out in this progressive world and keep on asking ourselves why me!!?   But we don’t care to notice the fact that not always do we run into the ‘why me!?’-situation or maybe we never do; sometimes we are chosen, handpicked by the Almighty for a greater cause. Even in the disguise of the worst ever experience, the Almighty gives us an opportunity to bring a much noble cause to the society. On a personal note too, we feel annihilated when life throws the odds to us so reluctantly, making us feel low on hope, but it is the silver line masked in those misfortunes that hold the spirit of positivity and goodwill in it.

Never fall in the vicious loop of ‘Why me!?’, rather ask ‘Why not other!?’ and feel special for being the chosen one. And you might not know whether the misfortune holds a noble cause or not, but the belief that you are chosen and the special one alone can give you the jolt to success that no other force can.

Like Napoleon Hill once said,

 ‘Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat.’

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